Customer Profile & Testimonials
Our customers have deep, long-standing relationships with us – many have been with us since our inception in September 2002.
They come from a variety of backgrounds including business executives, doctors, architects, engineers, entrepreneurs, non-resident Indians (NRIs), returned to India (R2I) and high net worth individuals (HNIs).They come from various cities in India and even from other countries.
They are busy, immersed in their respective fields and find little time to devote to their financial planning and wealth enhancement, even though they recognize that it is a very important life area. That’s where we step in and our clients have found us to be of immense help.
Some of the companies to which our customers belong include Microsoft, Oracle, Google, Amazon, Dell, IBM, TCS, CSC, CA, Wipro, Infosys, Hitachi Consulting, Accenture, Deloitte, Cordys, Intergraph, Franklin Templeton, Capgemini, Virtusa, Valuelabs, Berkadia, Vsoft, Igate, GE Energy and others.
Ruchi Chouhan, Manager, Capgemini

Krovi Sharma, Software Architect, Amazon

Rishiraj Chowdhury, Online Sales & Operation Manager, Google

Nitin Jain, Associate Vice President, VSoft Technologies

K. Lakhsmi Parsad, Senior Manager-Projects, CSC

Finance Doctor as a first step made a financial plan resulting in simple, goal-oriented, specific action steps. They made an allocation based on my top priority for child education. I feel happy that we are providing the best possible school education to our child not only currently, but making full provision for future education too.
B.Jayaparkash, Deputy General Manager, Tata Teleservices Ltd.
I always used to feel that it is very difficult to be disciplined in saving regularly. I would save for a couple of months and then run out of money in the 3rd month. Finance Doctor helped me in automating my savings and also framing goals important for me. Combination of these two steps has ensured that I have not strayed from this path, on the other hand my savings have increased, returns have improved and I have a clear idea about the progress of my goals.

Nageshwar Rao Challa, Senior Consultant, TCS

It is instructive to learn that Rs. 10 lakh invested in an equity fund 20 years ago would have been worth Rs. 4.5 crores today or Sensex has gone up 7 times in last 10 years. Extreme market volatility and fluctuations deterred me from investing adequately and benefiting from equities. Now Finance Doctor helps me in proper asset-liability matching, determining appropriate entry and exit points, preserving profits, helping me override my investor emotions and continuously monitoring my portfolio.
Baskar Gandham, Director,Software Engineering, CA Technologies
I will never voluntarily throw even a single Rs. 10 note, unwittingly I was losing thousands. I had considerable money lying in banks and earing very little. This was due to inertia, not knowing the considerable value of each extra percent and inadequate knowledge of alternatives. Finance Doctor addressed these issues and by advising short-term debt. funds helped me in earning higher post-tax returns and without taking any additional risk whatsoever.